Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Rejection? Can I Handle the Rejection?

I'm getting ready to send out my manuscript. I'm so close that my fingers are actually itching to hit send, but I've got to get everything as perfect as I possibly can before I do. This is the scary part, at least for me, sending my baby out into the world, into stranger's hands, and waiting for a reaction. What I think is worse in reality is sending out the query. The short few paragraphs that struggle to describe a story to persuade people to read it. I just wish you could send the whole manuscript and then the agents could read it. (Now I know that isn't practical, and I'm not saying that the agents have the time for that or anything--I'm in no way disrespecting agents. The fact that they read the queries is enough for me honestly. Just wish there was another way.)

I mean I'm on pins and needles when I send my novel off to a friend or family member for a critique. It puts me on edge. I get worried, I feel faint. I can't imagine what it's going to be like to send off a partial or full to someone real. But hopefully that day will come.

My progress for the week was finishing up the rewrite. Reworking my query letter, and my synopsis. My synopsis needs help. Lots of it. I don't like the tone or anything. I may start over from scratch on it.

I'm also gearing up, and getting ready to go on my second novel. I'm super excited about that one. I think it's going to rock. The conflict is real, it's tangible, and it's solid. My plot line is solid as well with a great twist at the end. Third person so that twist will work. This novel is going to be great. I can just feel it.

Reading this week has been kind of blah. Everything feels like I've read it before. Have you ever gotten into a funk? My mom told me to change up the genre that I read. I don't know it may be time to revisit some of my tried and true reads like Anne of Green Gables or Emily's Quest. I could try the classics. I have enjoyed some of them. Okay lots of them and I haven't walked down that path in awhile. Any books that help you get out of a reading funk?


Patti said...

I'm almost at the point you are. One more month and I'm hoping to push the send button.

I do know what you mean about reading. Sometimes I start a book and think I'm reading the same thing, just different names and setting.

Jessie Oliveros said...

Classics usually help me out of the funk. You reminded me of the Emily books-I'll have to revisit those. And good luck! I'm really excited to hear about your querying adventures.

Anonymous said...

I just went through a reading funk and so I re-read the Harry Potter series. I just read for fun and nothing but. It's helped somewhat.

I'm very, very excited for your submission. I know you'll have success, Mim. You're an excellent writer!