Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday Five: Spring Break!

1. So this week was Spring Break. This means the kids were home all week. We went to parks, ice skating and basically stayed pretty busy all week. I'm so ready for school to start back up so I can settle down and get work done. Not to mention it feels like our third spring break since all of the week long breaks due to winter weather this year.

2. April Fool's Day is not necessarily my favorite holiday. I'm not great at pranks, and so I don't look forward to it. My husband and kids adore it. We almost made it through the whole day before they realized it was April Fool's Day. Then at about 9:00 pm the pranks started-a glass of salt water, and lots of stories and lie. Good fun!

3. I love the warm weather that is finally here. It is so nice to have sunshine and be warm instead of freezing cold. I got my first sunburn of the year at the park, which made me realize I need to start using my sunscreen again. The kids love shorts weather too.

4. This week I was trying to figure out my summer schedule and how I would fit in all of my work, exercising, writing and kids into my routine. My conclusion is that I need to go back to the drawing board to figure out just how to fit everything.

5. I really like my current project. Really like it. I hope readers will too!

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