Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm Back!

So last weekend I went on vacation. I was silent for two weeks because I was getting ready for the vacation and then I was on the vacation. I told my husband I wouldn't work/write while on vacation this time. And so I didn't. I didn't get on and surf the Internet, or anything. I had over 500 blogs posts to read and catch up on, but I did it today. Finally! As an aside it was a great trip to Florida to see family and spend a day at Disneyworld. My three kiddos loved it.

Honestly I haven't worked on anything since then. But I'm ready to go.

My writer's group gave positive feedback to my first chapter of my new book. I'm super excited about it. It's got so much potential. I just hope that I can carry the story through. The tension level is going to be high, high, high through most of the novel. I like it so much that I almost want to sell this before my other novel, but it's not done yet.

However, I still like my first novel, and don't want to abandon it or the series. I got the best phone call today. I sent out my second draft to a few readers, and I hadn't heard anything back from them yet. I sat next to one today at church, and almost asked, and then didn't. I decided that she didn't like it, and so I didn't want to make her uncomfortable about it--even though I don't mind a negative reaction (well not much), since I need feedback.

Then I got a phone call. She called just to let me know she was half way through and didn't want to put it down to go make dinner for her family! She wanted to finish it. Well that totally made my day!

So goals this week:

Get another draft of my query ready

Work on my draft of my synopsis

Write a detailed synopsis for my trilogy

Design and order business cards for the Writer's Conference

Keep working on 20 Years Later (which will soon have a new title, since I have to slightly change one premise of the book--thanks to feedback from writers group)

Do Third draft of First Novel and Name it

Start blogging more regularly (This may or may not happen)

Well I think that's all pretty ambitious. We'll see what happens!


Jessie Oliveros said...

Those are some pretty amazing goals. And way to go for taking a break. Every writer needs it. Now you will be able to dive in fresh and tackle that list. You read 500 blog posts today?! Pretty impressive. And congratulations on the positive feedback.

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Wow, lots of good, productive goals. Good luck!