Monday, April 14, 2014

Books I Love: Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey

I haven't read a ton of books by Anne McCaffrey. I found this trilogy, because the first book was assigned in my capstone English class in college. It was an awesome class that focused on the fantasy genre. I got to read a lot of great books. This, some C.S. Lewis, the Lord of the Rings trilogy and other books.  Anyway I adored Dragonsong and went out and got the rest of the trilogy that same week. I also really enjoyed Dragonsinger. They are almost like one book split into two. I liked Dragondrums as well, but it doesn't feel as cohesive to the story, since a different main character finishes out the trilogy. 

From time to time, I'll go and try to pick up an Anne McCaffrey book, because I love the world she created, both the before when they first come to the planet and then the time that this trilogy takes place in. But I have a hard time getting the next book in the series, and I've read things out of order. She's a great writer, and I love the world building. Have you read any Anne McCaffrey? What did you think?

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