Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Writing Wednesday: Creating a Writing Plan

School is letting out this week, which means a major change of plans for schedule. But I think it is good to change things up a bit. It gives me a chance to recommit to my priorities and work out things that aren't currently working in my schedule. With my kids home, and trying to fit in extra hours on top of that, we are looking at a tricky schedule.

I'm a planner, and I like to create little schedules that I follow and lists where i mark things off. And then life happens and I don't accomplish anything that I intended. I find that life (with kids) works better when I'm a lot more flexible, and so my writing plan for the summer is going to be a bit more flexible in the hopes that it actually works.

Editing time is going to be pool time. My kids are finally big enough that they can swim by themselves in the pool. (We go to a pool with multiple life guards, so I can focus on reading, and just check on them from time to time). I don't want to take my laptop, and I could take my kindle (my hubby got me the must wonderful waterproof case), but I really want to run through edits on my manuscripts and not waste the free time that is granted by pool trips, so editing will fit in there. We'll likely go two times a week, so it should be between four to six hours to edit a week.

Writing time, I find that I'm still most productive at night. Even when the kids are at school and it's quiet. There is something about it being dark out, taking my shower so my hair's wet (weird I know) and putting my headphones one and writing. Unless I'm tired. So I'm planning on writing then, and maybe other times when I squeeze it in. It'd be great if I could become an early morning writer, but I honestly don't think that's going to happen.

So those are my plans what are yours?

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